What We Do:

The Redwood Collective leads groups of 6-8 people who commit to a 6 month process of personal growth and relational connection.

This process begins with a 2-day intensive where group members share their story with each other and engage in a group liturgy to nurture awareness of one’s interior life and attunement to another.

Following the 2-day intensive, weekly meetings over Zoom deepen and strengthen this connection as the group processes relationships and events, past and present, together.

While these groups are facilitated by Christian leaders, this is not a Bible study or prayer group. Yet in our experience, the gospel of Jesus is most powerfully at work when we feel freedom to engage our stories honestly.

Why Do We Do This?

Loneliness is an epidemic and life isn’t meant to be lived in isolation.

When we show up to the groups ready to disclose more of ourselves and engage one another’s disclosures with curiosity and compassion, our very presence, countenance, and assurance that we will show up the next week becomes an avenue for healing. This creates a safe environment in which the grace of Jesus can dispel shame and move each us of toward wholeness.

Redwoods are the tallest trees in the world, rising more than 350 feet. Yet their root systems are remarkably shallow—only 6-10 feet deep. The secret of their stability, longevity, and resilience lies in their interconnected roots, which stretch out over 100 feet, intertwining with the roots of other redwoods.

Our hope is to build such connections through intentionally knowing and being known.

The way you tell your story can make all the difference.